Scrip Program
The newly reorganized DCA Parents Association is excited to continue to offer the DCA Scrip Rebate fundraiser! The scrip program at DCA not only benefits the school but also benefits individual families with rebates. The program started in 2006.
The scrip program is based on DCA purchasing shopping/gift cards (also called "scrip" which means "substitute money") at a discount from hundreds of popular retailers. You pay the full face value for the shopping cards and then use the full face value of the shopping cards to make your purchases. The difference between the discount (which varies with each retailer) and the full face value becomes revenue for the school. This revenue is divided 50/50 between DCA to benefit the school and individual participants.
Rebates accumulate during a one year period from June 1 to May 31. Participants receive a check for half of their proceeds from the program in June following that one year period. Since 2007, the program has generated a total of $196,397.55 in revenue - that's $98,198.78 for the school and the same amount for the individual participants! Just to give you an idea of how much one individual family can earn by using the program regularly, my family has received over $4300 from the program since 2007 which we have used to apply to tuition, school trips, school supplies, etc. Teachers have also used the program to raise money for their classrooms. Your proceeds from the program can be used however you choose to use them. The key to benefiting from the program is to use it regularly for your everyday purchases as well as for gifts for holidays, birthdays, etc.
Attached please find a pdf of the enrollment form for this program and a complete list of vendors who currently participate in the program (both alphabetically and by category). The enrollment form is also available on the DCA website. After printing the enrollment form and competing it, please scan the completed form and email it to, or send it to the school office. After your scrip account is set up, I will email your logon id and password to you.
Individuals enter their orders online on the website each week by 9pm Sunday night. Orders are paid using PrestoPay which is the scrip company's secure Electronic Funds Transfer. Orders will be submitted by the coordinator after 9pmSunday and will be delivered according to your instructions on the enrollment form by Friday of that week. You must be enrolled in the program before you can place orders, and it takes a couple of days for the scrip company to set up PrestoPay for your account, so please return your completed enrollment form as soon as possible. For those who are already enrolled in the program and are active participants, the first scrip order for this school year will be submitted this Sunday, August 21, after 9pm.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Additional information can also be obtained at the website for our scrip company at
Deb Ray
DCA Scrip Coordinator
Script Enrollment Form
Scrip Rebate Program Instructions
Scrip Retailer List