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New Student Referral

New Student Referral Program

Referral form

  • The referral program is designed to encourage existing families to share with their friends and family members the opportunity to select DCA as their children's school. A $500 referral fee is available to existing families for each new family who enrolls at least one student in DCA by the first day of school. The payment is $250 for new families who enroll after the first day of school. 

  • The payment is for the first year of a new student’s enrollment and not for their future years of re-enrollment. 

  • The referral fee will be applied to the referring family's FACTS account as a reduction of tuition.

  • Referred students can be entering any grade from kindergarten through twelfth grade. Preschool and pre-kindergarten do not qualify because they are not contracted for a full year.

  • This program does not apply to DCA faculty and staff or their immediate family members.

  • Siblings of existing students or returning students who have previously attended DCA do not qualify.

  • The referring family must have at least one student enrolled in the year the new referred student begins at DCA.

  • Families who are referred are able to apply for financial assistance from the school.

  • The referral payment is per new family. Multiple referrals are accepted and payments are combined.

  • Referral payments are not transferrable to other families or future school years.

  • A prospective student is officially referred when an existing family submits a provided Referral Information Form to the DCA Admissions Office. The first family to turn in the form will be assigned the new student as their referral. Referrals cannot be split among multiple families.

  • Upon receiving a Referral Information Form for the new inquiry, the Admissions Office will contact the referred family by phone or e-mail to confirm all contact information. The Admissions Office will then send an information packet to the prospective family and walk them through the application process.

  • The referring family will be contacted with an e-mail from the Admissions Office once the initial conversation occurs between the Admissions Office and the prospective family. The referring family will not be notified again of the application progress until the referred family is enrolled. In the event that an enrollment does not occur (due to the family discontinuing the admission process or not meeting qualifying standards), the referring family will not be given details of the process. This is to ensure confidentiality and protect the child and family who have been referred.

  • Once a student's application has been processed and an acceptance has been offered, the referral fee opportunity is closed.

  • The DCA Admissions Office will send a letter to the referring family that explains the amount and timing of the payment. The $500 (or $250 prospectively) referral fee will be applied to the referring family's FACTS account as a reduction of tuition, by the DCA Finance Office, on September 1, if the enrollment occurs at the beginning of the school year. If the enrollment occurs after the first day of the school year, the payment check occurs on the first day of the second month following the first day of the new student's attendance.

  • While DCA cannot provide tax advice, we do recommend that you consult with your tax advisor about the tax implications of referral fee income. Families who receive referral fees that total $600 or more will receive a Form 1099 from DCA to document the fee as miscellaneous income.

  • This program will be re-evaluated each year.